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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  xHoTxBumer Tue 19 Jan - 22:43

Hi friends Very Happy
We wanna play with you CW on basemode 7 rounds ( 3 rounds attack/3rounds defend and TDM arena 2).We can play on your -Rock- server 4vs4 or 5v5.Date and time we set here!


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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Wed 20 Jan - 0:19

Hello guy ^^ then I with jerry we make a selection of the member(limb) who are going to make a tournament with you!! I shall say to it to you personally when he(she,it) will be good when we shall be ready I shall tell you to pass directly has our kept silent forum will just have has to read the date has which one(which) match is going to take place ^^!! I can not say to you the hour but his(her,its) will be more the soire the we are more on to find of the world

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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Wed 20 Jan - 0:19

salut mec ^^ alors moi avec jerry on fait une sélection des membre qui vont faire un tournoi avec vous !! je te le dirai personnellement quand sa sera bon quand on sera prêt je te dirai de passer directement a notre forum tu aura juste a lire la date a laquelle se match va se dérouler ^^ !! je peux pas te dire l'heure mais sa sera plus le soire la on est plus sur de trouver du monde

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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  Admin Wed 20 Jan - 14:19

yes sure we need more people Very Happy

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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  xHoTxBumer Wed 20 Jan - 14:50

I thought you got enough ppl in clan.Lets do it fast we cant wait...Just tell me date/time


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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Wed 20 Jan - 18:48

Tomorrow has 21:30 am French time on January 21st

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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  xHoTxBumer Wed 20 Jan - 23:26



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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  Admin Wed 20 Jan - 23:55

hi sorry is a error no 9h30 am is 9h30 pm hours frensh ok thank you. jerry

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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Fri 22 Jan - 14:03

xHoTxBumer wrote:I thought you got enough ppl in clan.Lets do it fast we cant wait...Just tell me date/time

I'm the good one can know that I annoy you connect hot-mist on our forum to see if it was not a message I take this opportunity to leave you a message I pass the barrier software translation because I speak English! and I can not tell you of something when he had the hot-rock-vs reads well be that I'll not say I find cool party in the map 42 to the scene to fight I think its not fair play! and also to map the first 48 to start it lets you choose the map you choose normal but when you view a map that was a harsh attack you had obliged us to choose the same map I think its not fair play also ! me and jerry was believed that you would make 2 faith the same map in attack defense barrier example 48 48, 42 42 but you change the rule and not know it cool missteps master of the world as you want it false respect choi the world of the beginning and not when its suits you! I am writing to you because you are the boss-hot-but between us I'd rather lose than not be fair play Exclamation Evil or Very Mad

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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  xHoTxBumer Mon 25 Jan - 10:47

Firstly learn rules -.-.


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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Mon 25 Jan - 20:12

xHoTxBumer wrote:Firstly learn rules -.-.

Rule(Ruler) one know them young!! Avoid taking myself for a kept silent idiot shall be nice you know, please, that you and your group you be not to make play!! I yours just has to say it!! But I repeat rule(ruler) one know them very very well know has you to follow them!! Or has you the bosses of the hot to say it has colleague!! When we prefaire to leave and remain to hide from the places to fight I find his(her,its) pathetic to chatter that you ete not proud of your victory ^^. Next liver when I makes a tournament against another gang if I see who sound not fair-play I stop(arrest) the match I takes me more the head.

Last edited by -RoCk-kabyle42 on Mon 25 Jan - 20:15; edited 1 time in total

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xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR Empty Re: xHoTx vs -RocK- CLANWAR

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Mon 25 Jan - 20:43

xHoTxBumer wrote:Firstly learn rules -.-.

les règle on les connais petit !! évite de me prendre pour un idiot tu serai sympa tu sais très bien que toi et ton groupe vous été pas faire play !! je tien juste a le dire !! mais je me répète les règle on les connais très très bien sais a vous de les suivre !! ou a toi les boss des hot de le dire a té collègue !! quand on prefaire partir et rester cacher aux lieux de se battre je trouve sa pitoyable jasper que vous ete pas fière de votre victoire ^^ . la prochaine foie quand je fait un tournoi contre un autre gang si je vois qui son pas fair play jarrète le match je me prend plus la tête.

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