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Are they in -RoCk-??

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  -RoCk-Camper Fri 8 Oct - 5:56

Ok so a few weeks back (playing on KSA Basemode) and Host and Blackberry wanted to be in clan
-RoCk- i want them to be in this clan but few days later this happened (today).
Are they in -RoCk-?? Rocke
Are they already in -RoCk- or are they fake? Did kabyle and Jerry accept them or no?

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Re: Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  Admin Fri 8 Oct - 10:14

hi man no is not fake Very Happy
is the last memeber

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Re: Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Fri 8 Oct - 10:20

-RoCk-Camper wrote:Ok so a few weeks back (playing on KSA Basemode) and Host and Blackberry wanted to be in clan
-RoCk- i want them to be in this clan but few days later this happened (today).
Are they in -RoCk-?? Rocke
Are they already in -RoCk- or are they fake? Did kabyle and Jerry accept them or no?

Laughing Hello camp yes I have to recruit host because he(it) has right(law) of amin on Server and he(it) manages well!! I also have to recruit black berry because I him(it) enough see fit!! If you know people well said I him(it) on forum!! Paid attention he(it) has a person who is called rock - jessy and one ever to recruit and he(it) also has a person who is called as me but know not me!! For knowledges so Kabyle know well I know simple I speak that the French and very badly English!! And I play well the other one he(it) is invalid(useless) and speaks that Arabic thus paid attention. Suspect What a Face afro

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Re: Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Fri 8 Oct - 17:40

-RoCk-Camper wrote:Ok so a few weeks back (playing on KSA Basemode) and Host and Blackberry wanted to be in clan
-RoCk- i want them to be in this clan but few days later this happened (today).
Are they in -RoCk-?? Rocke
Are they already in -RoCk- or are they fake? Did kabyle and Jerry accept them or no?

Host and berry his(her,its) become again rival I is said to them for you had to change gang he(it) my said that the gang of the rock is too hard and that he(it) one not levels thus he(it) his(her,its) most rock study

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Re: Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  -RoCk-Camper Fri 8 Oct - 23:06

Oh ok just cheaking i wanted them to be in -RoCk- good that you guys accepted, anyways they both are one of my great friends on the server so yeah..
Did they quit -RoCk- already?

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Re: Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Sun 10 Oct - 9:24

-RoCk-Camper wrote:Oh ok just cheaking i wanted them to be in -RoCk- good that you guys accepted, anyways they both are one of my great friends on the server so yeah..
Did they quit -RoCk- already?

Yes he(it) was rock 1 day and he(it) became again the gang that he(it) had before rival, me is said to them why you had to change gang? And he(it) my said that the gang of the rock was too difficult for had and that he(it) one not levels!! Thus he(it) his(her,its) left(restarted) in a more low(weaker) gang Voila! Know everything that he(it) my said.

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Re: Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  -RoCk-Camper Sun 10 Oct - 17:30

Oh, Ok thanks for the information kabyle.
By the way why dont i see you ingame on mta basemode server anymore? (~~~~~|KSA|Basemode~~~~)

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Re: Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Mon 11 Oct - 12:33

-RoCk-Camper wrote:Oh, Ok thanks for the information kabyle.
By the way why dont i see you ingame on mta basemode server anymore? (~~~~~|KSA|Basemode~~~~)

study If I often play on ksa he(it) has a lot of rock he(it) has rock-kabyle, rock bubu, rock murderer, rock rock privat fyer and but us one come from Europe little beings that when you play on mta, us to us know the night lol but us one often play in the evening I saw you yesterday playing on ksa I have you to speak but kept silent my not answered ^^!!
Has yes I play on ksa or esportx but when he(it) has cheater I leave games(sets)!! I am on 2 video games mta her(its)!! Or I re-believed voucher serious player, and I also recruit knew call of duty 4 I to improve the gang of the rock on several video games!! But to answer has your question if I play on ksa but I too see you not often know little beings the jet lag. afro

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Re: Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Mon 11 Oct - 12:33

si je joue souvent sur ksa il a beaucoup de rock il a rock-kabyle , rock boubou , rock assassin , rock fyer and rock privat mais nous on vient d’Europe peu êtres que quand toi tu joue sur mta , nous chez nous sais la nuit lol mais nous on joue souvent le soir je t'ai vue hier jouer sur ksa je t'ai parler mais tu ma pas répondu ^^ !!
a oui je joue sur ksa ou esportx mais quand il a des cheater je quitte le jeux !! je suis sur 2 jeux vidéo mta sa !! ou je recrut des bon joueur sérieux , et je recrute aussi sut call of duty 4 j'améliorer le gang des rock sur plusieurs jeux vidéo !! mais pour répondre a ta question si je joue sur ksa mais moi aussi je te voie pas souvent sais peu êtres le décalage horaire .

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Re: Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  -RoCk-Camper Mon 11 Oct - 17:05

Oh, Because most of the time im on the ksa basemode but i dont see you in the server, most of the time when i die i go get a drink, watch tv, listen to my iPod, and other things to pass the time while i respawn in a different arena/base so maybe thats why i did'nt respond to you. Neutral

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Are they in -RoCk-?? Empty Re: Are they in -RoCk-??

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Mon 11 Oct - 19:01

-RoCk-Camper wrote:Oh, Because most of the time im on the ksa basemode but i dont see you in the server, most of the time when i die i go get a drink, watch tv, listen to my iPod, and other things to pass the time while i respawn in a different arena/base so maybe thats why i did'nt respond to you. Neutral

lol the rock is game server ksa the night ^^ What a Face

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