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Ghosts VS -RoCk-

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Ghosts VS -RoCk- Empty Ghosts VS -RoCk-

Post  iCоммα ~ Fri 12 Feb - 22:27

Hey All

On what we like the challenge of Ghosts VS Rock
8 pm (GMT +3:30)
6 players VS 6 players

thx Wink

iCоммα ~

Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-02-07

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Ghosts VS -RoCk- Empty Re: Ghosts VS -RoCk-

Post  iCоммα ~ Sat 13 Feb - 20:21

all laggers:!
Don't Sparrrrrrrrrrrr

iCоммα ~

Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-02-07

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Ghosts VS -RoCk- Empty Re: Ghosts VS -RoCk-

Post  Admin Sun 14 Feb - 12:06

hi oxy is easy win be cose dont lagg realy you bad shoter is simple It's easy to say that other lagg but it is more difficult to recognize that its just you .
by -RoCk-JerrY

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Age : 38
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Ghosts VS -RoCk- Empty Re: Ghosts VS -RoCk-

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Sun 14 Feb - 12:30

iCоммα ~ wrote:all laggers:!
Don't Sparrrrrrrrrrrr

salut mec pour commencer il a personne qui lagg tu dit n'importe quoi on avait tous les même ping on a respecter les map et les ghosts aussi !!! et toi tous se que tu a a dire sais lagger tu me dé soie beaucoup icomma de réagir comme sa en plus tu a laisser ton équipe tout seul sans que tu finisse les map jusqu'à la fin!!! je prend sa comme un manque de respect de la pare des rock sais pas parce que vous avers perdu qu'il faux dire lagger pffffffff sais pas en disant des chose comme sa que ton équipe évoluera !! je sais pas si tu a remarquer mais il a une trop grand différence de niveaux entre les rock et les ghosts vous manquer trop d'expérience dans se domaine on vous a mis ( rock 6 ) a ( 0 ghosts ) et puis sais tout et en plus on a pas mis les meilleure membre des rock face a vous !! Rolling Eyes

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Ghosts VS -RoCk- Empty Re: Ghosts VS -RoCk-

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Sun 14 Feb - 12:32

iCоммα ~ wrote:all laggers:!
Don't Sparrrrrrrrrrrr

hi guy to start it lagg person you say anything we all had the same table we observe the map and the ghosts too! and you all have aa say you know me you Lagger silk icomma react much like its more you let your team was all alone without you finish the map until the end! I took her as a lack of respect for the barrier of rock not know because you lost it wrong obverse say Lagger pffffffff know by saying something like her that will change your team! I know if you have noticed, but it was too big level difference between the rock and the ghosts you miss too much experience in one area will put you (rock 6) a (0 ghosts) and then know everything and most were not given the best member of the rock face to you!

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Join date : 2009-07-05
Age : 37
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