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hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Mon 23 Aug - 18:32

écouter moi tout le monde j'ai apprit que des rock on fait un cw contre les D1E et vous aviez perdu 7 a 0 je veux savoir qui sais qui a organiser se cw !!! les boss des rock ici sais kabyle et jerry et sais moi qui recrute aussi !! les spar ok vous pouvez les faire tout seul sans kabyle et jerry mais les cw sais official les mec il faut que je soie dans l'équipe et je prend les meilleures rock donc utiliser se forum pour maitre le date et l'heure a laquelle vous vouliez faire les cw !!!
je suis énerver la pourquoi vous aviez organiserai un cw sans les boss de votre équipe sais quoi ses connerie sais n'importe quoi avec moi les rock on jamais perdu de cw parce que je prend les meilleurs rock je veux savoir qui sais qui a organiser se cw ici le boss sais pas vous sais moi et jerry et personne d'autre pour cette foi je dit rien sur se qui on fait sa !!! le prochain qui organise des cw tout seul je le banned des rock que se soie n'importe qui dans l'équipe maintenant vous le saviez a bonne entendeur merci Evil or Very Mad

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Age : 37
Location : france st etienne

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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty Re: hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Mon 23 Aug - 18:35

To listen to I everybody I have learnt that rock we make a cw against the D1E and you had lost 7 has 0 I want to know who know who has to organize cw!!! The bosses of the rock here know kabyle and jerry and know I who also recruit!! Spar OK you can make them alone without kabyle and jerry but cw know official guy he needs that I silk in the team and I takes the best rock thus to use forum for meter date him(it) and the hour has which one(which) you wanted to make cw!!!
I am to irritate why you had shall organize a cw without the bosses of your team know what his(her,its) bullshit know anything with me rock one never lost of cw because I takes the best rock I want to know who know who has to organize cw here the boss know not you jerry and nobody else for this time I know I and says nothing on who(which) we make her(its)!!! The fellow man who organizes cw alone I the banned of the rock that silk whoever in the maintaining team you knew him(it) Evil or Very Mad

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Join date : 2009-07-05
Age : 37
Location : france st etienne

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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty Re: hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Mon 23 Aug - 18:49

Spar you to pouver to make them without me and jerry!
But cw not it is necessary the best rock which I select and I have to am in the team because know I who fish bone(edge) the match if I see a who(which) cheats or if I see that he(it) abuses the admin panel(admin sample group) know for his(her,its) that I have to am the I am responsible for the team.

Spar = training // yes you can to make them when you want without me

Cw = official // is needed one date and one hour when to note you on forum

I have learnt with the team that you had to play against a team which abuse the admin panel(admin sample group) when know as his(her,its) stop playing simply Rolling Eyes Evil or Very Mad

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Join date : 2009-07-05
Age : 37
Location : france st etienne

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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty Re: hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  Admin Tue 24 Aug - 12:19

hello everybody
to put the thing in context clan boss is -RoCk-kabyle-42 and -RoCk-JerrY
no clear rules his clan wars without Kabyle or jerry
is that it does not follow the rules there will be an impact'm laid off a ban
and to which does not respect the other on the server it'll ban clan
we are here to play in fair play and not to lose respect for each other.
you drive has to follow this rule.

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Age : 38
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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty Re: hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  Admin Tue 24 Aug - 12:20

bonjour tout le monde
pour remettre les chose dans leur contexte les boss de clan c'est -RoCk-kabyle-42 et -RoCk-JerrY
les règles son claire pas de clan wars sans kabyle ou jerry
se qui ne suive pas c'est règles il y aura des répercussion soit une mis a pied sois un ban
et pour se qui ne respecte pas les autre sur les serveur il se verrons bannir du clan
on est la pour joue dans le fair play et non pour perdre le respect des autre.
a vous lecteur de respecter c'est regle.

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Join date : 2009-07-05
Age : 38
Location : france


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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty Re: hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  -RoCk-Camper Wed 25 Aug - 1:24

L.W.A just made a clan war he told me to join the server and i asked him clan war or spar he said clan war.
L.W.A said clan war againest R.3.B, R.3.B Hero told me that its clan war not spar, i told him that its probably spar he said no its clan war so i told him about this that clan war cant be started without jerry or kabyle, he said L.W.A is leader...
So is L.W.A doing the right thing? Is he leader??
I got screenshot btw
hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok 14586530
Thats when the clan war was about to start he called me to join.
Is this allowed or not? I have no idea.

Posts : 20
Join date : 2010-08-14

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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty Re: hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  -RoCk-Ace_ Wed 25 Aug - 7:53

-RoCk-Camper wrote:L.W.A just made a clan war he told me to join the server and i asked him clan war or spar he said clan war.
L.W.A said clan war againest R.3.B, R.3.B Hero told me that its clan war not spar, i told him that its probably spar he said no its clan war so i told him about this that clan war cant be started without jerry or kabyle, he said L.W.A is leader...
So is L.W.A doing the right thing? Is he leader??
I got screenshot btw
hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok 14586530
Thats when the clan war was about to start he called me to join.
Is this allowed or not? I have no idea.
LWA is not the leader of RoCk the only leader is Jerry and kabyle,well i bet lwa is gonna get ban for this Sad..Clan war is only on a sunday kabyle said..Luckyly you didn't join camper Wink By the way whose -RoCk-TR....?? He insulted me and iTazer once so we banned him from saudi :/

Posts : 9
Join date : 2010-08-16

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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty Re: hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Wed 25 Aug - 8:59

-RoCk-Camper wrote:L.W.A just made a clan war he told me to join the server and i asked him clan war or spar he said clan war.
L.W.A said clan war againest R.3.B, R.3.B Hero told me that its clan war not spar, i told him that its probably spar he said no its clan war so i told him about this that clan war cant be started without jerry or kabyle, he said L.W.A is leader...
So is L.W.A doing the right thing? Is he leader??
I got screenshot btw
hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok 14586530
Thats when the clan war was about to start he called me to join.
Is this allowed or not? I have no idea.

Well in the first place I want savoire who know who(which) your said whom L W A is the leader of the group!!! The leader of the group know kabyke and jerry know how to stand out even on the page of the server and know kabyle which recruits and creates in cw. c w peuve be made that on Sundays because I and jerry we work and in more he(it) know presided(officiated) needs produce one you on Sundays and has which hour we begin so that I have time to take the best rock and to make the best choice for our group and I am also responsible thus for cw I have to am or his(her,its) account not. As I said it higher who(which) prène for leader of the rock I can banned!! I maintaining I go go even l w has to put back(to hand) thing(matter) in clear and to make him(her) understand know who(which) who(which) manages. Exclamation

Counter against so you want to make spar which(who) is not official you can make them without me you little take rock which you find if he(it) veule well to make a spar his(her,its) kept silent can make him(it) all week long. He(it) has no problem for his(her,its) study

Posts : 134
Join date : 2009-07-05
Age : 37
Location : france st etienne

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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty Re: hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Wed 25 Aug - 9:10

-RoCk-Ace_ wrote:
-RoCk-Camper wrote:L.W.A just made a clan war he told me to join the server and i asked him clan war or spar he said clan war.
L.W.A said clan war againest R.3.B, R.3.B Hero told me that its clan war not spar, i told him that its probably spar he said no its clan war so i told him about this that clan war cant be started without jerry or kabyle, he said L.W.A is leader...
So is L.W.A doing the right thing? Is he leader??
I got screenshot btw
hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok 14586530
Thats when the clan war was about to start he called me to join.
Is this allowed or not? I have no idea.
LWA is not the leader of RoCk the only leader is Jerry and kabyle,well i bet lwa is gonna get ban for this Sad..Clan war is only on a sunday kabyle said..Luckyly you didn't join camper Wink By the way whose -RoCk-TR....?? He insulted me and iTazer once so we banned him from saudi :/

For whom concerns to itazer he(it) has to offend arab I had proof adorn photo of the other person!
Then I and jerry we left even he said that he(it) if excuse thus the affair(business) is settled(adjusted). But for kept silent rock TR says to me that he(it) your to offend?? He(it) your said that exactly? And I would go even for his(her,its) but when a person makes his(her,its) fact a photo of the image when it offends to have a proof press f 12 know to make a photo, and you him(it) but on the forum. If ever he(it) has problem in the group a lack of respect or cheater or the other thing(matter) made by photos if possible and write here I would judge his(her,its) sore!! Exclamation

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Join date : 2009-07-05
Age : 37
Location : france st etienne

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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty Re: hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Wed 25 Aug - 10:04

Enter to play them and especially rock between us I want the respect!! Know the rule(ruler) if persons not respect not rule(ruler) I exclude them rock
I have create rock with jerry he(it) is 2 years old and everything always knows well how to pass because everybody respected rock and everybody know that know kabyle and jerry the bosses when I recruit know simple.
I test the person or I see if he(it) plays well.
And after I ask him(her) if he wants to come rock if he says to me yes I he says advises(recommends) them that it is necessary to respect who(which) is!
Rock no cheater no spawkille and no teamkille and good on respect the gang!! Or otherwise he(it) is banned of this one!!
I banned already some nobody one because he(it) cheater or he(it) respected not the gang! And I does not take the persons who his(her) party of the gang and who he(it) veule to return!! Know thanks to the respect that the gang life still

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hey all boss rock  kabyle and jerry ok Empty Re: hey all boss rock kabyle and jerry ok

Post  -RoCk-kabyle42 Wed 25 Aug - 10:08

Download skype know free a lot of rock one skype one uses him(it) to make tournnoi one speak with microphone know pro!! Thus you knew who(which) stays in you has to make:bball:

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